An impressive minimal kitchen with wooden elements gives the feeling of an industrial decoration. The dark polymer kitchen doors with minimal design, the black surfaces and the warm wooden details are the triptych of the illustrated successful kitchen both in terms of design and functionality. The basis for the design of a minimal kitchen is the following: simple and clean lines, simple design and the most basic reduced clutter !!!
In recent years, the design of a kitchen has advanced a lot in terms of its technical characteristics but also the plethora of choices in decoration style, organization, quality based on the budget we want to allocate, make it a more specialized process.
Extra tips:
- It is necessary to have a proper design before installing a kitchen to ensure that there is enough space to move freely and to integrate the appropriate mechanisms in cabinets and drawers so that they open and close silently.
- Choosing kitchen furniture requires study and design to create the space where we can cook comfortably and safely.
Nothing is accidental when you see a perfect kitchen like the ones presented in magazines. Your own kitchen can also be made like this… .The precious time that the specialized in the field of kitchen furniture spend for the creation of a kitchen, the perfect knowledge in combination with their experience and meticulousness, shape the space you dream of!
Kitchen furniture – Kitchen doors: SILVES
Polymeric Kitchen Door: 106 – Graphite sm
Kitchen photography: